We ship worldwide. Orders are dispatched within 1-3 working days (unless stated otherwise).

Delivery times depend on the destination country. Approximately:

  • Europe: 4-15 business days
  • USA: 9-18 business days
  • Japan: 9-18 business days
  • Canada: 10-25 business days 
  • Australia: 10-25 business days 
  • Other countries: 10-25 business days 

However, in some rare cases shipping may take up to 30 business days.

The shipping rate is flat (to specific countries) and always tracked at no extra cost. Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive a confirmation email with your tracking number.

All digital purchases will be instantly downloadable.

Customs and delays

Please note that shipping times can be heavily affected by the COVID-19 situation, holiday season, or specific events in the destination country.

We are not responsible for taxes and fees that your package may occur when it enters your country (though please note we package decks in a custom-friendly way).

If you have any questions or think that it's taking too long, please, drop us a message.